Our team

Concentric is a blend of different backgrounds and experiences to be the ultimate resource for your projects. Our team-based sales approach allows for a collaborative work style to shine, knowing you have our expertise on your side. We pull in the right skill set for each application to ensure a successful project from start to finish.

  • Chris Fuller

    Founder / President

    All Territories

    Fearless Leader
    Networking Ninja
    Strategy Master

    206.618.9314 | Linkedin

  • Chris Grandy

    Operations Director

    All Territories

    Smooth Operator
    Wisdom Wizard

    206.354.6332 | Linkedin

  • Jenn Hubbell

    Client Development Director


    Answer Advocate
    Energized by Elegance
    Collaborative Colleague

    206.765.9096 | Linkedin

  • Korey Padilla

    Korey Padilla

    Client Development Specialist


    Superpowers to be revealed soon!


  • Erin Wendt

    Client Development Director

    Northern California

    Strategic Engager Relationship Builder Curator of Brand Storytelling

    415.994.5344 | Linkedin

  • Cheryl Johnson

    Cheryl Johnson

    Client Development Director

    Northern California

    Superpowers to be revealed soon!


  • Karen (KB) Bendinelli

    Client Development Specialist

    Northern California

    Wrangler of Resources
    Guidance Guru
    Oracle of Organization

    415.261.7308 | Linkedin

  • Kelley Edwards

    Kelley Edwards

    Client Development Director


    Superpowers to be revealed soon!


  • Vanessa Tom

    Representing Concentric brands as Teal Elements

    British Columbia

    Creative Craftsman
    Canadian Conversationalist
    Random Fact Finder

    604.353.1811 | Linkedin

  • Shanna Anderson

    Representing Concentric brands as Crest Architectural Resources

    Northern Nevada

    Superpowers to be revealed soon!

    775.470.1401 | Linkedin

Contact us

Concentric is constantly striving to blaze a new path for innovation in how we design our spaces. If you have a project, we would love to collaborate with you.